Show bulk discount pricing options in your product table.
Demo 1
Bulk deal
Bulk deal
Bulk deal
Note: This site demonstrates an integration between WooCommerce Product Table PRO and the WooCommerce Advanced Dynamic Pricing PRO plugin. These are 2 independent plugins created by different authors. Both these plugins are required on your site to make use of this integration.
Demo 2
Bulk discount inside a tooltip.
View discounts
Bulk deal
View discounts
Bulk deal
View discounts
Bulk deal
How to use
Setup ADP bulk discount
First use Advanced Dynamic Pricing (ADP) to create bulk discounts for your products. You need to check the plugin documentation for this.
If you have configured ADP settings correctly for your product then you should see a bulk discount table on the product page. If you cannot see the bulk discount table on the product page please re-check your settings before proceeding.
Create a product table
To setup your product table, please follow along the WCPT tutorial series. It is designed to help you get the most out of the plugin in the least time.
Use the ADP shortcode
Now create a product table. And in one of the columns create a Shortcode element. In that Shortcode element enter the ADP bulk discount table shortcode:
This will print the dynamic pricing bulk discount table in your product table as well.
Add inside tooltip
Create a ToolTip element in your product table. You can read about ToolTip here.
In the tooltip element’s Label section change the text label to what you want. Then in the tooltip element’s Content section add the Shortcode element with the same ADP bulk discount shortcode mentioned above.
See reference screenshot of tooltip element’s settings here.
If you have any questions please feel free to write in to WooCommerce Product Table support here.