Index of FAQs

  • How do I turn on this feature in a product table? (see here)
  • Will this also work for variable products in the table? (see here)
  • Will this also work on the tablet and phone version of the product table? (see here)

How do I turn on this feature in a product table?

You can turn on the add to cart from quantity feature on any product table by adding this to your product table shortcode: add_to_cart_from_quantity=”true”

For example:

[product_table id="123" add_to_cart_from_quantity="true"]

Will this also work for variable products in the table?

Yes, the add to cart from quantity facility will also work for variable products. For this you need to have the Select Variation element in your product table to allow your site visitors to select a variation to add to cart.

Note: If the Select Variation element is not in the product table or the Select Variation element does not have any variation selected then the add to cart from quantity facility will not work for that product in the table.

Will this also work on the tablet and phone version of the product table?

Yes, the add to cart from quantity feature will also work on phone and tablet versions of the product table as well.